
Raising capital for business

Amram Capital acts as an investment advisor to Princes Park Capital. The objective of the fund is to maximise total return across multiple stages of the credit cycle.

A flexible approach to credit selection focusing both on top down (macro and sectoral) and bottom up (technicals and balance sheet analysis) to identify under and overvalued companies.


The Fund will utilise various investment strategies, which aim to amplify gains in constructive markets, and protect capital during market stress.


The Fund is a fixed income fund following an unconstrained strategy with a European focus.

The portfolio will consist of multiple strategies:


  • 01
    Long Credit

    Buying at a discount to intrinsic value / high carry

  • 02
    Short Credit

    Selling an overvalued issue

  • 03
    Event Driven

    Identification of a catalyst (restructuring, M&A, refinancing, etc.)

  • 04
    Relative Value

    Long one tranche of the capital structure while short another tranche of the same issuer.


Targeted Returns: The fund aims to generate 10% absolute returns per annum, with a volatility of 3% (net of fees).


The investment team boasts individually 15 years+ of credit experience in different key roles, such as: Investment Banking, Specialist Sales, Market Making, Proprietary Trading and Buy-Side Investing.


Portfolio Composition: High conviction portfolio consisting of 25 - 30 positions.


This is now an environment where fixed income markets can create superior risk-adjusted returns from an unconstrained credit strategy that combines top-down and bottom-up analysis with extensive market trading experience.